The goal of the Milpitas Police Officers' Association is to act
as a liaison between its members and management.
On behalf of the men and women of the Milpitas Police Officers' Association, welcome to our website. We hope you will find our site enjoyable and informative. Here you will find links to other related sites which might be of interest, exchange information with us, and learn what we do for our community.
Support Charities
Every year the Milpitas Police Officers' Association donates money and time to benefit numerous charities, groups and organizations in Milpitas and throughout Santa Clara County.

Board Of Directors
The Board Members serve the Association by conducting contract negotiations, scheduling of Association sponsored events, and improving department morale.

Our History
The Milpitas Police Officers' Association was established in 1966 to represent both the sworn and non-sworn members of the Milpitas Police Department.
Latest News

In the Community
Will support local programs
Can be made online
Can be given in honor of a friend or a loved one
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